Healthy chips

There's nothing better than a sodium filled bag of crispy potato chips. Most likely, those chips are from a store, and they are (most likely) also very processed.
Processed food items, such as potato chips, may contain large quantities of sugar, salt, fats, and unneeded calories. Although it's okay to occasionally indulge in these unhealthy treats, a large sum of people worldwide consume way more than their needed sodium/sugar/calories from processed foods like potato chips. This leads to cancer, illness, and disease. What if we could still enjoy salty, crunchy chips without the cost of our health?
Half of the battle when wanting to enjoy items like chips and cakes is that they come processed. That means that you can't see what is happening and what goes into what you're eating. Maybe if we knew what substances we were pumping into our bodies, we'd be much healthier. Which is why cooking from scratch, meal prepping, and home cooked meals are so praised. Also, you are able to control what you put in to your food: substitutes you may make, as well as how the food is cooked/baked/prepped/fried. Even with these perks of cooking at home in mind, the food can still be unhealthy.
Wait...but how do you make chips at home? Aren't they best from a bag? A lot of people don't consider that you can take junk food and make it at home. And when you make it at home, sometimes it has less, well, junk. So, to swap those processed chips for a home cooked chip, try these two recipes:

Potato Chips 
-2-3 large sized potatoes
-Olive oil or coconut oil (coconut oil is healthier, but doesn't taste as good)
1. Peel potatoes. Slice them as thinly as possible.
2. In a large bowl, add olive oil (4-5 tablespoons) and potatoes. Massage oil into potato slices until all potatoes are covered.
3. Line a baking sheet with paper towels. Transfer potatoes to sheet, spreading them evenly across the pan.
4. Place paper towels atop the sheet, over the potatoes. Put pressure on these towels, lightly pulsing your palms around different areas of the sheet.
5. Remove both bottom and lower layers of paper towels.
6. Salt to taste.
7. Bake in a oven at 400 degrees (f) for 30 minutes, or until golden brown and crunchy.

Kale Chips
-Kale (2-3 stalks)
-Coconut oil
1. Tear kale into pieces roughly two square inches. Try to keep the sizes as equal as possible.
2. Place all kale in a plastic bag.
3. Melt down 6-7 tablespoons worth of coconut oil in the microwave.
4. Add melted (slightly cooled, still liquid) coconut oil to the plastic bag. Shake the bag for 3 minutes, making sure the coconut oil is evenly distributed on the kale.
5. Pour kale on a parchment paper lined sheet pan.
6. Massage all extra oils onto kale, evenly distributed throughout sheet pan.
7. Salt to taste.
8. Bake in oven at 350 degrees (f) for 30 minutes, or until crispy or crunchy.
9. Top with more salt.

Sounds good, right? Enjoy these healthier versions of chips!
